basic writing

-boy or girl student
-someone who wanted the rule to be enforced.

1. Why do you think that this rule was enforced?
2. How does this rule make you feel?
3. Do you think that this rule is fair?
4. Are there any creative twists you could take to make yourself look unique?
5. Do you think that there were factors that caused this rule?
6. Do you think that this rule limits your ability to express yourself?
7. Does this rule accurately represent what the school stands for?
8. Should teachers have to wear uniforms too?
9. Do you think either boys/girls have a more strict limitation on clothes?
10. Does the uniform affect any sports organizations?
11. Could you work out or work around in this uniform?
12. Is this a positive or negative outcome for the school?
13. Do you think students are more happy or upset about this rule?
14. If a student were to impose, what actions would be taken by teachers?
15. Does wearing a uniform affect the learning environment at all?
16. Should all schools have this rule?
17. Does this affect the growth of students?
18. What would you do to make yourself stand out with this outfit?
19. What is a positive outcome of having to wear a uniform?
20. What is a negative outcome to wearing a uniform?


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