Magazines Part II

Image Based:
Image based magazine covers are mostly of one or less subjects, likely with a set pose. Often there are celebrities on a image based cover, because it can easily sell the cover. The facial expressions of the people or mood of a place that they are photographing can possibly also set the mood for the issue of the magazine. An important note is that the cover and font or style of the magazine will likely match with each other.

Illustration Based:
Illustration based covers were the only types of covers of magazines until the mid-20th century. Todays illustrations are more focused on the comedy aspect of things, and not many magazine companies go straight to illustrating a cover. More independent magazines will use illustrated covers to allude to a more artistic cover.

Type Based:
Type based covers are used to capture attention quickly, and are striking and impressive. They are rare, but used more than illustrative covers are used. Sometimes the words can present better what the inside of the cover is going to be like than a picture. The beauty of letters can sometimes satisfy people and draw them in.

Concept Based:
Concept based magazine covers can often include all three of the other themes listed above. The main point of this magazine is that right as the person sees it, the reader knows what it's about. Independent magazines or abstract magazines will likely use this cover because it appeals to the eye. They are easy to understand and interpret.

Words and Photos:
The connection between words and pictures are important because they need to go together to complete the picture. If they were different fonts or styles, then it wouldn't be as appealing to the eye and people may not want to buy it. If it it matched right, then it will be easy to spot the magazine on the stand at the store. They need to work together to bring the cover together.


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