Opinion Writing

All of us kids wake up to sit in a chair for seven hours, and when we get home, we use the next four hours to do homework. It wears all of us thin, with no time to worry about our well being.
Homework adds so much stress to students; it is a complete waste of time. We have hour and a half classes to take notes and work on practice, we don’t need any addition.

With homework, students, including me, have had an incredible lack of amount of sleep. Staying up until about 2:00 in the morning doing homework is certainly not ideal.

The lack of sleep affects the performance of classes the next day.

There is very little study in which scientists or studies say that homework is beneficial. Homework should be when a sick student misses school, not for more practice. I mean who wants that?

In a survey, less than 1% of the students interviewed said that homework WAS NOT a stresser for them.

Another study also shows that homework is not a stress on only students, but parents as well. There is a stress to making sure your kid goes to bed at a reasonable time or gets enough sleep to perform well.
Using an excess amount also leads to lower test scores, which harms your grades in school.

When you use hours and hours to cram in what you’ve learned from that past six weeks, you’re not going to remember it all. How could you expect your brain to hold that much information?

One of my mentors once said, “Sleep is more beneficial than an all nighter for studying.” In my opinion, I find this very true.

It takes a very long time for your brain to capture all of this information and keep it there. To maintain all of this information, you would need techniques to keep it in your brain.

Of course the question is why would you occupy study time with homework? I guess that is a question for most of the teachers out there.

Solutions, solutions…. There are many things that could be fixed about this issue. The simplist thing: no homework.

Am I wrong?  No homework solves all of our problems. More sleep, less stress, and more time to study.

Homework is illegal in Denmark, which sounds pretty darn awesome. I think that the Danish are ahead of their time.

They are thinking ahead of everyone else! If anything teachers can just cut down on the amount of homework.

School, do us a little favor for once.


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