student of the month interview #2

1. What is your favorite subject?
2. Do you play any sports?
3. Why do you play/not play that sport?
It's a cool way to express yourself and it's a lot of fun.
4.  Why is (blank) your favorite subject?
It's really interesting. 
5. What is different about that subject from all of your other classes?
I have a good teacher who's not boring.
6. What electives are you taking?
on JV dance team, pre-drill dance, photography, Spanish 2
7. Why are you taking those electives?
they all interested me and sounded fun.
8. If you could describe yourself in one word, what would it be?
9. Why?
what I do depends on my emotions and they change a lot. 
10. How do you get ready for the day?
I wake up and frantically put together an outfit and eat breakfast. 
11. What music do you listen to?
Weirdest mixture of stuff, from 90's punk rock to khalid
12. What makes you unique?
i work really hard in school and deeply care about my grades.
13. What things do you do outside of school?
Watch friends and eat a crap ton of chocolate, play with dogs and nap.
14.  Who or what inspires you?
the future, to have a good future and inspire me to do good now. 
15. Who is your favorite teacher? Why?
I don't have a favorite teacher.
16. What is your work ethic like?
I'm hardworking
17. You are trapped on an island. What three things would you want to have on the island with you?
-a tent
18. Where do you shop for clothes? Do you like to dress how you feel is your style?
Pacsun, Urban Outfitters, Tilly's, Lululemon, and I have a comfy like style.
19. What is an ideal school day for you?
A chill day, no homework, just get to hang out and talk with friends.
20. What is your favorite thing about school or getting to be at school?
my favorite thing is that I'm not bored all the time. Also, I get to hang out with all my friends. 


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