Academic Reflection and Critique

1. It definitely was a struggle to find a picture that completely fills the frame. Personally, I think that a lot is incorporated into a photo to make it look like the whole frame is filled with a story and color. Also, trying to keep the rules of composition in mind while shooting is a challenge.
2. I focused a lot on framing, for where I think the subject should be in the photo. Also, where to put your hands on the camera is more important than I thought! You don't want your fingers to accidentally push some buttons!
3. Now that I know rules of photography, I would be more conscious on where subjects go into pictures.
4. I would continue to keep people in the photos, as well as picking subjects that seem significant to the class or what I am focusing on.
5. I think that simplicity would be the easiest rule to achieve if you find the right background.
6. I think that lines would be hard to capture, mostly because you have to see how the lines add and shape the subject.
7. I am still not very clear on the rule of thirds. I see it to where things have to be off to the side as well as parts to frame it, and it is difficult for me to understand. To figure out more about the rule, I could look at other people's photo's that have rule of third incorporated in them to better understand it.


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