Abandoned Theme Parks

1. I would want to visit Land of Oz, due to the throwback to the classic movie and the spooky feel that the park seems to have. It seems like one of those places where it would be really cold and everyone would be in a bad mood. It seems to be in the middle of a dense tree area or small forest, and there seems to be fog!(just like a horror movie) I think it would also be cool to interpret how the makers saw the movie.


3. I think these would be cool:
a) broken down train staion
b) an alleyway in London
c) historic building
d) unknown forest
e) a junk gallery


I think it would be fun to document an alleyway because there could be many stories in that small place. There could be things that people may want to hide or discard from their lives, which I think would be interesting. There would also be a variety of people and characters that I would encounter.

5. It would be expensive to go to London, with a plane ticket and a place to stay. I've been, and it is a pretty city! I think as far as equipment you would want a portable camera with good settings.


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