
1. When I saw this post, I immediately felt inspired. He is using his love for photography to capture these beautiful animals. The pictures looked simple but also showed sophistication and stories were behind the pictures. I also loved how he expressed his love for animals and how he is an activist for preserving animals and the habitats they are in.

2. Image result for nick brandt

3. I love this picture! First of all, I love how cute the little elephant is. Also, showing how it is latching onto her parent and showing the dependence of the baby. I think this is also a good representation of how animals still function in ways that humans do.

4. This picture is a merger, because the parent elephant is cut out of the photo. Also, I think it somewhat shows simplicity because the background doesn't disrupt from the subject.

5.  Brandt uses a camera to where it can look good over digital film, which can add an overall mood and feeling to the pictures. He also uses fast prime lenses to give depth to his pictures.

6. Brandt is taking these pictures because he wants to spread awareness and to conserve the habitats of the animals.

7. He hopes that awareness can be spread, because he doesn't want the African nature to be disrupted and taken away.

8. “My images are my elegy to these beautiful creatures, to this wrenchingly beautiful world that steadily, tragically vanishing before our eyes.”

9. Brandt's new focus is to show the urbanized places of where a habitat used to be, and put the original animals in the place of where they were years ago.

10. He expanded the picture, and put them in the places of where they were a few years passed. 

11. I think that the new project is giving awareness to how the world is changing in a few short years, and also how poverty is crawling around this part of the world.

12. As I scrolled through the pictures, I felt a great amount of sadness and loss. I think that it is really sad that animals are being driven out of where they grow and what they know to smaller and smaller places to live. I mean how would you feel if you were being driven out of your house??! It's sad that animals and even people are being driven out of the places that they know and grew up in. 


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