American Soldier

1. I think the most powerful image is "Pushed at Every Step". It shows that even though you are under all of this stress about serving your country, there is still light and happiness within it. They still can laugh and cry and sing, but we normally don't think about how they still have those things in their life. They have a lot of weight on their shoulders!

2. The images work together to show certain points of the military, the happy and sad parts. It shows different points of view and different emotions.

3. The captions give extra backstory and meaning to the photos. When we learn more about the people, where they are from, and what their life is like. We can also tell on their reactions to heartfelt situations.

4. Ian Fisher was a normal kid, who went to school and graduated. But uniquely, he decided to tell his parents he wanted to join the army. At age 17, he is on a enlistment list for the army. Soon enough he takes a medical exam and is enlisted. He says a painful farewell to his family, with tears welling up in his eyes. He is immediately toughened up by lines and getting into shape. After a few days of processing, he gets injured, which he did not disclose in the army!! He was worried of getting expelled, but didn't. He says he already feels like a different person. He then had his first time holding a weapon, which was a big deal! He plays close attention to how he stands attention as well. After eight weeks, he goes through a simulation that is close to being in a battle. He has fun on the force, as well as asking God to take weight off his shoulders. After much training, Fisher gets a taste of the real thing. Struggles are definitely ahead. He has many challenges, one of them going to Iraq. After a year in Iraq, he heads home and applies for a marriage license.

5. a) on average there are about 2-4 sentences per photo.
b) The first sentences provide information about what is going on in the photo, who is in it, the place and time of the photo, and why it is happening.
c) The second sentence provides information or background info that you can't really get from just looking at the picture.
d) The third sentence provides significant quotes or things that the people have said relating to the photo.
e)Some captions include quotes from the subjects of the photo.
f) Yes, some photos have four sentences in them.

6. Yes, I think that it is totally possible to tell a story with just photos. So much can be explained by capturing a moment in time.

7. When you write stories, you can have more detail and gives the reader an opportunity to try and imagine it in their own minds. So much can be told both ways!


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