portfolio analysis

Part 1- Portfolios

1. Alyssa Schuclar
2. -All photos were at a certain distance, had to emotion or depth to them
- Same lense used throughout
- Seemed like most pictures weren't positive or happy
3. - Liked the backgrounds of all photos
- Liked the happiness of the baseball photo
4. I wasn't a big fan of this photographer because of the vibe to the pictures, and there was not a lot of color or emotion to the pictures. When I look at a photo I want to be able to want to know a story of how the photographer got to that point in time.
5. Stories, sports, photoj

1. Josh Birnbaum
2. - pictures with special elements
- the focus lacks on some of the pictures
- angles on some of the photos were weird and could be at a better angle
3. - The people are happy and positive in the action of the photos
- There was good lighting in the photos, could see subjects
4. I liked this photographer because of his action shots and some of the pictures that he took. They had color and you were able to see some of the emotions of the subjects in the photos.
5. Stories, photoj

1. Sam Adams
2. - The compostion of the helicopter was off because it looked like it was running into a cliff.
- There was not very good lighting in the pictures
-There were other photographers taking pictures of the same thing.
3.- The mood was positive and bearable
- There were simple shadows that looked pretty.
4. I also liked this photographer because he had a good mood with the pictures that he shot. They also captured a variety of things, not a bunch of the same looking stuff.
5. Sports, photoj

1. Anthony Souffle
2. - Some of the photos were out of focus.
-You can't see the lines that the birds were caught in.
-difficult to zero in on the main subject.
3. -There were good action shots.
-Some of the pictures were funny to look at.
4. I didn't like this photographer so much because a lot of his stuff you could look at and know what is going on. There wasn't a story or background to try and see why he took those photos.
5. Sports, photoj


1. The strengths of this portfolio was the color composition and the postition of the photographer. He was able to capture things in a good angle to see the most of the situation. Also, the backgrounds were also consistent with these photos.
2. In my opinion, I liked the theme of the portfolio which was sports. There was enough variety of sports and settings that it was still interesting to look at. The one weakness was some of the photoshop in some of the photos.

To decide on the winner, they looked at compostion of photos and consistency in the pictures. There also needed to be uniqueness in the settings, so they didn't look like they were all in the same place. They also looked at the editing skill of the photographer.

Part 2- Individual Photos

1. One photo that I agree with is the running photo in the second video. The judges said that the photographer lost sight of the actual action in the photo. They cropped it down to what actually would be a good photo, and I agree with that. You don't need to include the people that aren't going to catch someone's eye in a photo.
2. I do not agree with the judges when they liked the escalator picture over some of the other action shots. I do not totally believe that it is an action shot. When I think of action shot I think of a photo catching an event at a lucky moment. The wrestler picture looks like it was planned and there was no surprise in taking it.


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